Thursday, June 3, 2010


 like i said i don't give a damn kalu org nk ckp aku jiwang....aku post ni just for my love...shahrul izraff kamaluddin...kalu yg lain nk termuntah silakan...
aku akan berusaha supaya kesilapan takkan berulang lagi.....ILY forever...

1. First time you met him - when and where?
>>GSC cinema, megamall ktn (during rangers day out with tarak, dino, deqna n mimie)

2. Love at first sight?
>>him,, no...

3. Who is he the first time you met him?
>>mamat poyo yg wat air coke mimie tumpah... =D

4. How long does it take for him to ask you out for a date?
>> a day after....hee~~

5. First place dating?

6. How he proposed?
>>awk, sy suka kat awk...awk manis..leh tak sy nk ajak couple (very the direct)

7. Special date with him?
>>every date with him is special to me

8. Changes that he asked you to do?
>>babe, plisla jgn ego....tlgla pcayakan sy...

9. What is about him that you love so much?
>>everything~~~(gosh, I miss him)

10. What is about him that you wish he would change?
>> no please....he's perfect to me....

11. You lose your mind and crack your head when he...?
>> not with me anymore (let's pray it will not happen)

12. You will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he?
>>wish me "good morning syg" everyday...

13. Complete below sentences"My love towards my significant other is as big as...?
>>words cannot describe how big it is.....!

frens n foe....cherish your love while it's still there~~

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